Deliberation is described as an exchange and mutual evaluation of validity claims to bring about a common solution to a problem or a conflict. Thus, according to one crucial aspect of deliberation, negotiation partners argue about the same topics, …
In this paper, we present Lexical Episode Plots, a novel automated text-mining and visual analytics approach for exploratory text analysis. In particular, we first describe an algorithm for automatically annotating text regions to examine prominent …
We present two original approaches for visual-interactive prediction of user movie ratings and box office gross after the opening weekend, as designed and awarded during VAST Challenge 2013. Our approaches are driven by machine learning models and …
This paper describes our solution to the IEEE VAST 2013 Mini Challenge 11. The task of the challenge was to create a visual and interactive tool to predict the popularity of new movies in terms of viewer ratings and ticket sales for the opening …
Recent studies have shown that micro-blogging services such as Twitter can outperform online news aggregators in reaction time to breaking events. On the other hand, disadvantages of Twitter, such as low signal-to-noise ratio, inaccuracy of …