Semantic Concept Spaces : Guided Topic Model Refinement using Word-Embedding Projections

We present a framework that allows users to incorporate the semantics of their domain knowledge for topic model refinement while remaining model-agnostic. Our approach enables users to (1) understand the semantic space of the model, (2) identify …

v-plots : Designing Hybrid Charts for the Comparative Analysis of Data Distributions

Comparing data distributions is a core focus in descriptive statistics, and part of most data analysis processes across disciplines. In particular, comparing distributions entails numerous tasks, ranging from identifying global distribution …

Why Visualize? Untangling a Large Network of Arguments

Visualization has been deemed a useful technique by researchers and practitioners, alike, leaving a trail of arguments behind that reason why visualization works. In addition, examples of misleading usages of visualizations in information …

Visual Analytics for Topic Model Optimization based on User-Steerable Speculative Execution

To effectively assess the potential consequences of human interventions in model-driven analytics systems, we establish the concept of speculative execution as a visual analytics paradigm for creating user-steerable preview mechanisms. This paper …

Bridging Text Visualization and Mining: A Task-Driven Survey

Visual text analytics has recently emerged as one of the most prominent topics in both academic research and the commercial world. To provide an overview of the relevant techniques and analysis tasks, as well as the relationships between them, we …

Progressive Learning of Topic Modeling Parameters: A Visual Analytics Framework

Topic modeling algorithms are widely used to analyze the thematic composition of text corpora but remain difficult to interpret and adjust. Addressing these limitations, we present a modular visual analytics framework, tackling the understandability …

Quality Metrics for Information Visualization

The visualization community has developed to date many intuitions and understandings of how to judge the quality of views in visualizing data. The computation of a visualization’s quality and usefulness ranges from measuring clutter and overlap, up …

ThreadReconstructor: Modeling Reply-Chains to Untangle Conversational Text through Visual Analytics

We present ThreadReconstructor, a visual analytics approach for detecting and analyzing the implicit conversational structure of discussions, e.g., in political debates and forums. Our work is motivated by the need to reveal and understand single …

Visualization and the Digital Humanities: Moving Toward Stronger Collaborations

For the past two years, researchers from the visualization community and the digital humanities have come together at the IEEE VIS conference to discuss how both disciplines can work together to push research goals in their respective disciplines. In …

NEREx: Named-Entity Relationship Exploration in Multi-Party Conversations

We present NEREx, an interactive visual analytics approach for the exploratory analysis of verbatim conversational transcripts. By revealing different perspectives on multi-party conversations, NEREx gives an entry point for the analysis through …